Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dry Oil Spray Can Anyone Tell Me Whats The Different Between, Spf0, Spf15, Spf8 And Spf4, Tanning Spray Dry Oil?

Can anyone tell me whats the different between, spf0, spf15, spf8 and spf4, Tanning Spray dry oil? - dry oil spray

I wonder who gives a result darker and faster?
Which of these four differences? Thanks


hurrican... said...

In fact, the SPF number on sunscreen, the amount of UV radiation in a few minutes if it correctly applied in accordance with the instructions to protect the skin. That has nothing to do with the power of sunscreen, and is often confused.

hurrican... said...

In fact, the SPF number on sunscreen, the amount of UV radiation in a few minutes if it correctly applied in accordance with the instructions to protect the skin. That has nothing to do with the power of sunscreen, and is often confused.

Sunidaze said...

The difference is the amount of coverage it receives. For years I was something other than SPF 8th Now I live in constant fear of my back melanoma.

B U S Y said...

SPF is the degree of protection against UV rays of the sun. I would avoid having 8 or 15 for burning.

Homemade said...

# Factor sunscreen. A scale for assessing the degree of protection against sunburn on sunscreen. The higher the SPF the more protection against sunburn offers. Sunscreen with a SPF 2-value at 11 a minimum protection against sunburn. Sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 12 to 29 provide moderate protection, which is enough for most people. ...

jo.roger... said...

The higher the number, the more protection against the harmful rays.

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