Friday, January 8, 2010

Motorcycle Wheel Lights Motorcycle Accident And Injury Case Worth? ?

Motorcycle accident and injury case worth? ? - motorcycle wheel lights

Hello everyone, I had a motorbike accident 2 months ago, the accident occurred when I was almost at the crossing, about 50 meters before .. mph and shifting to 45, 5 mph below the speed limit to 50, had a green light when a tractor-trailer loaded with fuel watch, without .. I was not left to zero, but I hit behind the front wheel about 15 mph on and then I was in the semi and was crushed by her. Under the truck was found at the end and pull it down on the floor and pushed about 20 meters. I went after my arrival, because not once come to see .. he was dead or alive I was when the police came (of witnesses called, which) are not mentioned and when I was in the car, which turned its back on and accelerates bad .. (Later he told witnesses fuel again) is in good agreement with the dislocation and fracture of the femur, right-nee broken, both shoulder blades broken and dislocated right shoulder, compression fracture of the spine (T12) and transportation hub in the right arm with a Hole in the neighborhood of tElbow ... I had surgery on his thigh and put a titanium into the bone with four screws .. the past two months, since I have not slept well since the accident ... I can hardly walk now

and a few other things, but I do not want to make this long journey ...

I would like to look a reply thanks

PS: You will probably need a second surgery to correct band nec


chai said...

If it makes sense, you get a large facility (though I have no idea what exactly). I'm here, srry ABT his accident. I had a case, but not so bad. He was shocked (had to get points, had a rash, swollen areas around, and I was scared and had nightmares, but I feel for you. The best and hope that this shall not prevent them from his constituency. ..

~ Chai

Payner_2... said...

If I had done this to me that I would be on the phone to a lawyer immediately.

Why have not you soon?

Ring a lawyer specializing in motorcycle accident compensation, road traffic and compensation for damages for personal injury, etc. ..

The source specializes in accidents and I have already mentioned.

Good Luck

Byron said...

Not sure what your question .... But the search for a lawyer. The transport company has one.

M L said...

Hey, I can tell you what happened.
There are about 2 months I was in a traumatic car accident. I broke my right thigh and right ankle. Now I have a titanium and screws in the femur and screws in his foot. I need a transfusion of 2 units, and may also have some damage in the knee. Not only the upper joint, but I also have an accident was not at fault. I know how the fight for the moment, it seems, not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. For a month after the accident I could not sleep for more than a few hours because I woke up screaming in the accident in my head. Not to mention how difficult it is to sleep comfortably, as a step when it hurts. But it seems to get better at the same time each day positively.

Today I am going to physical therapy 3 times per week. I began to set in relation to the foot with the help of a walker or crutches, and my wheelchair will be less and less. I also go to two different types of trauma. The traditional voice and EMDR. I gO for each of these times a week. I also use a book of post-traumatic stress, contributed to the exercises I realized that I have since the accident to a traumatic event normally experienced. Copies are available in the psychology part of the larger bookstores. And it helps me to spend day after day:) I am also a young man like you. I am 18 years and my accident was a few days before my first year to start on a new orientation in the school. It sucks that I can not do it this semester, but I figure, what does not kill you makes you stronger than you, right? Good luck with the process, what happened should never happen to anyone. I hope that my opinion is welcome, since my accident was preventable and people need to know. Anyway, sorry this is long, but just not someone who can understand what I am about the same thing as you. Once again luck with everything! We hope that you are feeling well!

Oh, and sleep, my doctor advised me to take Tylenol PM or Benadryl before bed. Even StyleI had nightmares Tylenol PM in particular helped me to sleep faster and stay asleep longer. Hope this helps! :)

(I hear from you!)

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