Sunday, January 31, 2010

Removing Lymph Nodes From Armpit Would You Remove Your Lymph Nodes In Armpit?

Would you remove your lymph nodes in armpit? - removing lymph nodes from armpit

Has LYMP node removed in the armpit?
I had pain in his arm for a while and went for a mammogram and ultrasound. those who told me that once again, he had 2 cysts. I went to see a surgeon today and he told me that I mearsuring 2 lymph nodes in the armpit, 2.35 x 1.17 0.92 x 0.55 was the size. He said that was big enough and would recommend them if they grow back within a month. I took antibiotics. He said that cysts are benign. I'm confused (about my head) I do not understand what the lymph nodes, and why they grow, and why not for more. Why do I need to solve? Are they cancer?
Thank you:)

I am 44 years old. No history of breast cancer in the family. My health problem is that idiopathic Anaphylxis intubated in December for a week. Unknown Cause you think it has something to do with lymph nodes?


Anonymous said...

She lymph nodes) are part of the fight against infection (immune system. You may also be a source of lymphoma, a type of cancer. There are several types of lymphoma, including Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. This might be tempted to delete them to make sure it is not cancer, especially if they grow. Hodgkin's disease is a cancer is curable if diagnosed early enough.

Idiopathic anaphylaxis may have an immunological problem. (See link below.) A relationship with the mast, is also part of the immune system. (Second Link)

Is there an immune system disorder, diagnosed with the examination of lymph nodes can be. You can do with the loss of a few lymph nodes. And we were able to give an idea of what is wrong with you.

Anonymous said...

The lymphatic system is part of the fight against the infection in your body.
Normally, they swell when activly fight infection.
You can also swell when cysts form when presenting it to some form of lymphoma.
The doctor said that her cysts are benign - which means that the cancer does not. Lymphoma is cancer.
Cysts can form anywhere - can often be ignored. They tend to be liquid and the body is often full to absorb the liquid and it will disappear.
Antibiotics can reduce inflammation, either through the elimination of an underlying infection, freeing the nodes of control or are swollen from an infection in the lymph, so that cysts to form.
If it were me, I would ask, on a fine needle aspiration.
This is a thin needle is inserted (after anasthetic locally) and the fluid of the cyst is removed. This fluid can be a biopsy to make sure everything goes well, and often the cyst has not reformed.
Axillary nodes removed was 16 when I had a lumpectomy for a cancer in the breast.
This left me with scar tissue, limitedMovement, the weakness in the arms and the limits of what is done with his arm without pain and swelling are.
2 nodes is not as bad as 16, but 0 would be better if you can avoid it.
It is possible that idiopathic Anaphylxis causes inflammation, the doctor would be best advised.

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